Because “life happens,” maybe you haven’t visited a local dentist as regularly as you should. If so, you’re not alone, as millions of Americans are behind on dental visits, whether it’s because of financial reasons, time constraints or anxiety. What’s most important is that you’re ready to get back on track now. What can you expect to happen when you visit a dentist in Copperas Cove? Continue reading to find out!
(more…)What to Expect at a Dental Visit After You’ve Taken a Long Hiatus
March 3, 2021
Ignoring Your Gum Health Can Leave You Vulnerable to This
February 13, 2021
It’s only natural to desire a nice set of teeth. After all, the condition of your smile is one of the first things people notice about you. However, smile aesthetics shouldn’t take precedence over the care of your gums. Negligence in this area can cause more than just an unfavorable appearance. As you continue reading, a dentist in Copperas Cove explains the health issues that can stem from poor gum care. Additionally, learn what you can do to protect yourself.
(more…)These 3 Fad Diets Could be Harmful to Your Oral Health
January 5, 2021
At the start of the year, many people are eager to lose weight. Thus, they search for the most effective diet to help them drop the extra pounds. While some of the plans are able to produce results, they can come at the expense of your oral health. As you continue reading, a dentist in Copperas Cove lists 3 plans that you should either use with caution or avoid.
(more…)The New Year – The Perfect Time to Boost Your Dental Health!
December 28, 2020
As January rolls in, it’s only right that you start laying out your New Year’s resolutions. Of course, there are the usual areas that are focused on: career, traveling, housing, etc. But, the start of a new year is also a great time to recommit to excellent dental health. If you’re wondering what areas you should focus your attention on, keep on reading. You’ll get some fantastic tips to help you achieve one of the healthiest years ever!
(more…)Are the Holidays the Worst Time for Your Oral Health?
November 1, 2020
This is the time of year that everyone is looking forward to. Whether you’re pulling out your holiday sweaters, decorating your home, or spending precious time with your loved ones, this season is filled with all sorts of joy. However, it isn’t the best time of year for your teeth. In fact, it may even be the worst time for your smile. Continue reading to learn more from your dentist in Copperas Cove about how the holidays impact your oral health and what you can do to keep your mouth in good shape.
(more…)Want to Save Money? Here’s How a Trip to Your Dentist Can Help!
October 15, 2020
Whether it’s the unprecedented events of 2020 or the upcoming holiday season, many Americans are beginning to feel a pinch in their wallet. If you are experiencing something similar, then you may be looking to cut any superfluous expenses. However, if your routine trip to your dentist in Copperas Cove is on that list, it is crucial to remember that skipping your bi-yearly appointment could end up costing you more in the long run. Here’s why your six-month checkup and professional cleaning is so important and how dental insurance can help with the cost!
(more…)4 Tips to Help You Comprehend Your Dental Insurance
September 17, 2020
Something that many people don’t realize is that dental insurance works much differently than medical insurance. It is easy to get confused about the differences, especially if you aren’t completely in touch with what your dental plan does and doesn’t cover. This is why your dentist in Copperas Cove is here to help you grasp a better understanding of how it works. Continue reading to learn a few tips that can help you navigate your dental insurance plan.
(more…)Effects That Popular Beverages Have on Your Teeth
August 16, 2020
We all know that the best, most hydrating liquid that you can drink would be water. However, you probably don’t want to drink water at all times. Most of us enjoy other popular beverages throughout the week. If you belong to this majority, it is important that you are aware of the effects that different drinks have on your smile. Read on to learn more from your dentist in Copperas Cove about what your favorite beverages are doing to your teeth.
(more…)How Does Handwashing Protect You Against COVID-19?
July 8, 2020
Your daily habits have changed a lot since the start of the pandemic. You’ve been going out less, working from home, wearing a mask, and maintaining social distancing guidelines. One of the most important steps you can take to keep yourself and the people around you protected is frequent handwashing. Continue reading to learn from your dentist in Copperas Cove about the proper way to wash and sanitize your hands.
(more…)5 Ways You Can Practice Social Distancing at the Dentist
June 30, 2020
Did you know that experts believe implementing social distancing has prevented 185,000 deaths? Over the last few months, grocery stores, banks, and virtually every other business has re-designed their buildings to incorporate social distancing guidelines. Even your dentist is retrofitting their office to make maintaining a 6-foot distance a practical reality! Your dentist in Copperas Cove shares five ways you can practice social distancing at your next visit.