Due to the nature of their work, dental professionals have always gone above and beyond to keep their patients safe from germs. They use high sanitation standards and thorough disinfecting procedures to protect you from the common cold, the flu, and other sicknesses during your treatment. These already ambitious infection control protocols are being raised even higher in order to keep you as healthy as possible during the COVID-19 pandemic. Here are four items your Copperas Cove dentist may be wearing at your next dental appointment to keep you and themselves safe from the coronavirus.
(more…)4 Items Your Dentist Wears to Keep You Safe in COVID-19
May 18, 2020
Maintaining Your Dental Health Until You Can Visit Your Dentist
April 1, 2020
You don’t need to be convinced of the importance of visiting your dentist in Copperas Cove on a regular basis to maintain healthy teeth and gums. Every six months, you faithfully head in to receive a checkup and cleaning. Now that COVID-19 has temporarily forced dentists to place elective care on hold, you’re faced with a dilemma – a sudden interruption in your normal routine. How can you maintain excellent oral health during this period? Read on to get some helpful tips that you can act upon today!
Want to Protect Your Teeth? Stay Away from These 5 Bad Habits!
March 8, 2020
You would never intentionally set out to harm your teeth. Unfortunately, you could be participating in some activities that can contribute to their demise. The first step to protecting yourself is to know what to avoid. As you continue reading, a dentist in Copperas Cove lists the top 5 bad habits that could compromise your teeth.
Can Dental Neglect Contribute to Poor Heart Health?
February 6, 2020
The different parts of the human body are linked through a network that scientists and medical professionals are still discovering more about daily. However, dentists and cardiologists have already found a connection between oral and heart health. As you continue reading, a dentist in Copperas Cove explains how the two seemingly unrelated parts of the body are related, and how dental neglect can spell big problems. Additionally, you’ll learn what you can do to protect yourself.
How to Make This Your Best Year Ever for Dental Health!
January 17, 2020
If you’re like most people, then you spent the majority of last year scurrying to keep up with your busy schedule. As a result, you may not have been as vigilant about maintaining your dental health as you would have liked. This year, you have a chance to get off to a brand-new start so that you can have strong teeth and gums. How should you go about making the necessary changes, though? As you read on, your dentist in Copperas Cove provides some expert tips!
If a Holiday Dental Emergency Happens, Here’s What to Do
December 10, 2019
The holiday season is a magical time of the year, known for the beautiful decorations, gift-giving and family gatherings. The last thing you want to happen is for a dental emergency to emerge. It’s not always up to you, though. Therefore, an emergency dentist in Copperas Cove explains how you should respond to some of the more common types of dental trauma.
5 Helpful Tips to Protect Your Oral Health This Holiday Season!
November 12, 2019
We all know that the holiday season is known for the abundance of savory and sweet delights that you can find at just about any house you visit. To indulge in the holiday festivities, does that mean you have to leave the health of your teeth and gums in jeopardy? Your dentist in Copperas Cove says, “Absolutely not.” In fact, if you’ll take a moment to read on, you’ll discover 5 simple yet effective tips to fortify your oral health!
Are These 5 Dental Myths True? Find Out from a Dental Expert!
October 25, 2019
If you look online, you can find an abundance of information about dental health, but is it all true? The only way to find out for sure is to consult a dentist who has the experience and knowledge to clear the air. As you continue reading, 5 common dental myths are taken to task as your dentist in Copperas Cove clearly dispels them. By utilizing what you learn and taking the appropriate action, you can experience the best in oral health!
4 Ways You’ll Save Money By Seeing a Dentist Before the Year Ends
September 7, 2019
It’s a safe bet to say that nearly everyone is looking for ways to save money these days, especially when it comes to must-have expenditures like dental care. While insurance is a great way to make dentistry more affordable, many people miss out by not knowing how to maximize their benefits. First and foremost, start by scheduling a visit with a dentist in Copperas Cove now, several months before the year ends. And keep reading below to learn about the 4 ways this simple act will save you hundreds of dollars!
These 5 Bad Habits Can Negatively Impact Your Dental Health!
August 15, 2019
It’s much easier to preserve your dental health than it is to restore it after severe damage has been done. To experience dental wellness, you need to be aware of any activities that could stand as roadblocks to the health of your mouth, teeth and gums. Your dentist in Copperas Cove lists 5 bad habits that can cause big problems for your oral health. Read on to be informed so you can make lasting and positive changes today that will lead to a brighter tomorrow!