Benchmark Family Dental Blog

Are You an Ideal Candidate for Invisalign in Copperas Cove?

May 3, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — benchmarkteam @ 9:32 pm

A woman removing her clear aligners.In the past, getting a straighter smile was an arduous process. The metal brackets, bands, and wires that came with traditional braces took a lot of getting used to. Patients would have to change their brushing habits and their diet just to accommodate them. They would take an average of two years of wear before treatment could be complete. All these requirements caused many patients to disregard orthodontic treatment altogether. Since then, they’ve had to deal with their poor bites.

Thanks to Invisalign in Copperas Cove, candidates can reap all the benefits of straight teeth without being forced to use metal braces.


Dentist in Copperas Cove Says Don’t Forget Oral Cancer Screenings

April 29, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — benchmarkteam @ 7:20 pm

smiling family portraitIf you knew there was a disease that killed one American every hour of every day, 365 days of the year, you’d probably want to do everything possible to avoid it. Those statistics are all too true with oral cancer — but the good news is that getting a routine screening from your dentist in Copperas Cove can greatly aid in successful treatment. April is Oral Cancer Month, so we are taking this opportunity to talk about this all-too-common disease! Keep reading to learn more.


Learn if You’re a Candidate for Porcelain Veneers in Copperas Cove

March 5, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — benchmarkteam @ 11:54 pm

Porcelain veneers compared to imperfect teeth.Are you tired of covering your smile every time you go out with friends and they try to take pictures with you? Does your smile make you feel self-conscious when it should be a tool to help you boost your self-confidence? Thanks to a wonderful cosmetic treatment from your dentist, no longer will you feel the need to cover your smile in embarrassment. From now on, you’ll be happy to flash your pearly whites at your next gathering.

Today, we’ll be discussing exactly what porcelain veneers in Copperas Cove are and if you can benefit from them.


Your Dentist in Copperas Cove Says to Avoid These Habits

February 7, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — benchmarkteam @ 12:16 am

A woman drinking coffee.As we go through our day, we perform a lot of habits that we eventually become unconscious of. Some of these habits, unfortunately, can cause long-term damage to our teeth. The habits your dentist in Copperas Cove mentions may surprise you, but just know they are trying to protect you from future dental damage (and expensive dental bills.)

That’s why it’s worth giving this list a once over to make sure you aren’t unintentionally damaging your teeth. It’s the part of your body that lets you eat, speak, and laugh without trouble, so it’s worth taking care of.


How Invisalign in Copperas Cove Could Benefit You More Than Braces

January 5, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — benchmarkteam @ 9:43 pm

A pair of Invisalign clear aligners.Every morning you struggle to remove all the plaque and food debris from your mouth. There’s always something caught inside your mouth from the night before that you though you caught during evening brushing. You want to get your teeth realigned, but you know braces are only going to make brushing more difficult. Not to mention all the food that gets caught in the wiring.

Thanks to Invisalign in Copperas Coves, you don’t have to worry about that. Before your next dental visit, consider the following benefits clear aligners could provide you.


Dentist in Copperas Cove Has a New Year’s Suggestion

December 18, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — benchmarkteam @ 10:49 pm

portrait of a smiling coupleMost people would love to make a new year’s resolution stick, but few of us fail to make it past January or so. This year, instead of vowing to go to the gym or give up your love for ice cream, your dentist in Copperas Cove suggests making a change that will really stick. Committing to your oral health with the following tips can make a big difference — keep reading to find out how you can show your smile some love in 2018!


Dentist in Copperas Cove Has 5 Tips for Healthy Gums

November 15, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — benchmarkteam @ 12:39 pm

portrait of a woman smilingYou may not think about your gum health too much when you’re considering how to keep a healthy smile — but overlooking your periodontal (gum) tissue can have serious effects on your oral health. Pink gums denote good health, and red, inflamed, and bleeding tissue indicates gum disease and the need for some professional help.


Dentist in Copperas Cove Says Enjoy Halloween Candy Responsibly

October 25, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — benchmarkteam @ 8:48 am

little girl dressed for halloweenHalloween is one of the best times to be a kid — but it can also be a real nightmare for you when your child comes home with bags full of candies and treats. From school, friends’ houses, and after trick-or-treating, it seems there’s no end to the sweets this time of year.


Dentist in Copperas Cove Says Use Your 2017 Benefits

September 30, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — benchmarkteam @ 6:05 pm

little girl at the dentistHave you ever heard of a reverse New Year’s resolution? Well, we’re kind of making it up right now — it’s a commitment you make to do something before the New Year begins. So this year, before the craziness of the holidays sets in, make a reverse resolution to visit your dentist in Copperas Cove and take advantage of your unused 2017 dental insurance benefits! Any money you have accrued towards your deductible won’t roll over to 2018, so acting now is a great way to benefit your smile… and your wallet.


Emergency Dentist in Copperas Cove Has Urgent Advice

August 31, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — benchmarkteam @ 8:37 pm

emergency tooth extractionIf you or someone close to you are experiencing a dental emergency, don’t panic. That’s easier said than done though, right? Your emergency dentist in Copperas Cove, Dr. Patrick O’Malley, knows urgent situations involving your oral health can be stressful, but it’s easy to keep your cool when you know just what to do next. In this week’s blog post, we cover important next-steps to get out out of pain, into our office, and on with your life as soon as possible!


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